By Huffington Post 
Set goals. Learn how to set personal and business goals for yourself. Your goals should be SMART goals -Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.
Honor your intuition. You can show yourself love by trusting your gut and honoring the message that it is sending.
Invest time in your creativity. Our creativity does not have to diminish as we get older. In fact, it is believed that the peak of creativity in most people is around 30-40 years old. (Lindaur, 1998, Marisiske &Willis, 1998)
Invest in building your confidence. The more you love yourself and own the value that you offer, the more confident you will become in sharing it with others.
Read educational books.
Attend seminars and workshops to expand your knowledge and skills in your business and/or personal life.
Take care of your health. Eat right each day, fueling your body with nutrients. Exercise daily.
Choose to be happy. Happiness is a choice. “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”- Abraham Lincoln.
Work on your bucket list. If you do not have a bucket list, then it is time to start one.
Invest in a coach. A coach can assist you in putting all these strategies into action. A coach is your partner in success. It is their job to assist you in creating and implementing your success plan, so you can become the best that you can be.
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