Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Subscription Offer
Subscribe to LES NOUVELLES ESTHETIQUES SPA MAGAZINE and stand a chance of winning 1 of 3 FRESSKO FLASKS to the value of R 1000 each.
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64 years old, 26 countries, an international spa network that spans the globe.
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques was established in Paris in 1952 and has grown to a magazine with a worldwide reputation. It is currently published in 26 countries spanning the globe from the USA, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, China, Japan, South Africa to Australia, and distributed in 70 countries.
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques & Spa is a publication dedicated to the up-to-date knowledge in the world of SPAS, encompassing all aspects of the spa: spa therapies, spa design, spa management and business, latest aesthetic developments, skincare and bodycare, published in a contemporary feel to complement the standard and nature of the industry.
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques, South African Edition is distributed throughout Africa and neighbouring islands.
Call 011 447 9959
or subscribe on-line: www.lesnouvelles.co.za
R220.00 for 6 issues / 1 year
Your subscription rates include postage & packaging in South Africa.
(neighbouring countries, Kenya and Mauritius : R320.00)
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Magazine SA is now additionally available digitally through the Apple Newstand. So as a reader your have the option of the magazine in print or magazine digitally, ideal for your phone, tablet or laptop.
You can subscribe to both version, or print or digital, depending on your preference.
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