Les Nouvelles Esthetiques & Spa Magazines – Issue 91
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The Aesthetics Market will be worth $ 27.55 Billion, globally by 2028 at a 10.6% annual growth rate. Many factors can lead to premature ageing, but luckily there are new treatments available every day to help your skin regain its youthful vigour. As you age, elasticity in your skin reduces and collagen is destroyed. New treatments, from product, Ice-Slurry, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to Regerative Medicine, Exosomes and Joyfullness, can treat the effects of aging by injectables, other growth factors and cutting edge technologies into the face and body, which stimulates cells to produce more collagen and elastin.
In a recent interview with Emlyn Brown, bringing more than 20 years of international experience to Accor, as the global vice president of wellbeing. The question was asked: What is the best piece of wellness advice you have ever received, and answered we recently produced our Accor wellness podcast series, Health to Wealth, and loved what fitness and recovery expert Harry Jameson said, “Try to sweat every day.” Whether this is a brisk walk, enjoying a sauna, gardening, or working out, I love the simplicity of this and the way it breaks it down to simple actions. We must continue to democratize wellness and ensure it is for all.”
Enjoy the read
Dr Nadine de Freitas
Managing Editor – Les Nouvelles Esthetiques & Spa, South Africa
083 267 2773
Contents 91
Trend: From Wellness Tech to Technological Wellness 2
A Strategy to Revolutionize Your Body 4
A Better Way To Do Beauty 6
Platelet-Rich Plasma,: A New Treatment to Combat Ageing Skin 8
The Wellness Questionnaire with Accor’s Emlyn Brown 10
Unmask That Smile and Align It with your Best Features 12
Dermalogica Pro Restore 14
Why Integrating a Wellness Lounge into Your Practice Makes Sense 18
The Latest On Non-Invasive Body Tightening and Contouring Treatments 20
How Gym Culture Went From Punishing to Meditative 22
Top 4 Non-Surgical Treatments Of The Year 24
DrK cellREVERSE NucleoCollagen 28
The Wellness Questionnaire with Jamé Heskett, Founder and Director of The Wellpath, a Wellness Center 30
Stem Cell Collagen Activators 32
Two Treatments With One Unit from Looking Good LCN 34
Endocrine Disruptors 36
Skincare Science Updates 38
6 Steps to Get Your Cortisol Levels Under Control & Turn Down the Stress 40
DermaFix Mandelic Retexturising Wipes 42
Ice-slurry Fat Melting Technology 44
The Science of Regenerative Medicine and Exosomes 46
What are Nootropics? 48
How Joyfulness Can Lengthen Your Life 50
Remarkably Resilient 52
Three Big Barriers to Collaboration 54
We Could All Use a Health Coach 56
Issue 91 – Advertiser Directory
Clarins: https://www.clarins.co.za
Esse Skincare: https://www.esseskincare.com/
Thalgo: http://www.thalgo.co.za/
Theravine: http://www.theravine.co.za/
Dermalogica: https://www.dermalogica.co.za/X
Pevonia: http://www.brisandistributors.co.za/
Africology: https://africologyspa.com/
Dermal Health Science: https://dermalhealth.store/
Sknlogic: https://sknlogic.com/
Dr K Dermal Health: https://drkdermalhealth.com
Largavita Bioscience International: http://www.largavita.co.za/
pHformula: https://phformula.africa/
Looking Good LCN: https://lcn.co.za/
Derca Cosmetics / SA Beauty Distributors: http://www.dercarange.com/
Dermafix Cosmeceutical Skin Care: https://www.dermafix.co.za/
Radiant Healthcare / EndyMed: https://radianthealth.co.za/
Neurologica SA: https://www.neurologica.co.za/
DoTERRA Essential Oils / Lezanne Shone: https://www.mydoterra.com/lezanne
TawaLabs: https://www.tawalabs.co.za/
SkinMiles: https://www.skinmiles.com/
Juliette Armand SA: https://juliettearmand.co.za/
BABOR: https://za.babor.com/
My Beauty Luv: https://www.mybeautyluv.com/
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