Les Nouvelles Esthetiques & Spa Magazines – Issue 86
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Editor’s Notes: Aesthetic / Skincare / Spa Innovations
The Aesthetics Market will be worth $ 27.55 Billion, globally by 2028 at a 10.6% annual growth rate.
Development of technologically advanced and user-friendly products, increasing geriatric population, development of invasive and non-invasive aesthetic procedures are some of the factors that will lead the growth of the aesthetic market sector.
Aesthetics is a subsidiary of medicine that mainly focuses on procedures and techniques to improve and enhance the skin, face, and body’s appearance, texture, and contours. This branch covers the treatment of scars, moles, liver spots, excess fat, wrinkles, skin looseness, unwanted hair, cellulite and skin discoloration. The growing awareness of the products and growing demand for cost-effective aesthetics medicine, non-surgical procedures and cosmetic surgery are the main factors for an individual to predict the market growth.
Additionally an increase in consumer spending on aesthetic enhancing supplements worldwide and the growing demand for procedures mainly by working population, due to required improved self presentation, results in a increased demand for aesthetic innovations, and in turn, the increase in the numbers of doctors and therapist who provide safe and effective treatments for the clients by using new technological innovations.
Dates to Diarise: Les Nouvelles Esthetiques Spa Conference and Spa Awards 2022 are taking place on the 24 & 25th July 2022, at The Houghton Hotel. Register today on www.lesnouvelleblog.co.za
Enjoy the read
Dr Nadine de Freitas
Managing Editor – Les Nouvelles Esthetiques & Spa, South Africa
083 267 2773
Contents Issue 88
Q & A with Sue Harmsworth, Spa Industry Visionary, by GWI 2
Anti-Aging Needs a Body That Never Ages
Thalgo: Taking eco-commitments more seriously than ever 6
Tips for Seasonal Skincare Changes 8
New Survey Reveals How 2020 Altered the Aesthetic Landscape Forever 10
The Connection Between a Growth Mindset and Neuroplasticity 14
TC Plus Peel – Dermo-Epidermal Bio-revitaliser from KSurgery 12
The ‘Benjamin Button’ Effect: The Goal is to do the same for Humans 16
TREND: Bigger, More Sophisticated Medical-Wellness Destinations 18
DrK cellREVERSE NucleoCollagen For Healthy Skin, Brain & Gut 20
Cellular Health: A Key To Healthy Ageing 24
Luxury Cosmetic Procedures Reach Next Level Prices 26
How to Boost your Productivity with Neurologica 28
A Plan for All Seasons: Modifying Integrated Skincare 30
5 Beauty Treatments for a Big Event!! 32
The Cold Hard Facts About Cryotherapy 34
Introducing NEW Lamelle Dermaheal Re-Firm 36
Is Facial Fitness The New Face Lift? 38
Physical Activity and Fitness Technologies 40
Nordlys – Danish “Northern Lights” 42
Skin that sparkles 44
LPG endermologie – Stimulating Dormant Cellular Activity 46
Mallucci London: A state-of-the-art Cosmetic and Aesthetic Clinic 48
Let “No” Work for You 50
6 Medical Clinic Interior Design Ideas For Comfort & Functionality 52
Vagus Nerve Stimulation: 9 Ways to Quickly Calm Body and Soul 56
IV Nutrient Therapy – Drip with Caution 58
The Certified Health & Wellness Coach Is Rising…FINALLY 60
Our Customers Are Always Complaining About Our Prices 62
Why Potential is more Important than Talent 64
5 Unconventional Ways To Show Gratitude To Employees 66
Leaders are Made – BRAND 68
Issue 88 – Advertiser Directory
DermaClinical: http://WWW.DERMACLINICAL.NET/
Esse Skincare: https://www.esseskincare.com/
Thalgo: http://www.thalgo.co.za/
Theravine: http://www.theravine.co.za/
Dermalogica: https://www.dermalogica.co.za/
K-Surgery SA / Regensys: http://www.regensys.co.za/
Image Skincare / Clinical Aesthetic Distributors: https://www.clinicalaestheticdist.co.za/
Sknlogic: https://sknlogic.com/
Dr K Dermal Health: https://drkdermalhealth.com
Vivace Experience: http://www.vivaceexperience.com/
Largavita Bioscience International: http://www.largavita.co.za/
pHformula: https://phformula.africa/
Neurologica SA: https://www.neurologica.co.za/
Dermafix Cosmeceutical Skin Care: https://www.dermafix.co.za/
Lamelle Research Laboratories: http://www.lamelle.co.za/
Radiant Healthcare / Nordlys: https://radianthealth.co.za/
NeoGen Nitrogen Plasma System: http://www.neogenplasma.co.za/
LPG® endermologie SA: http://www.endermologie.com/
My Beauty Luv: https://www.mybeautyluv.com/
Dr. Schrammek: http://www.drschrammek.co.za/
TawaLabs: https://www.tawalabs.co.za/
Sparkle Cosmetics South Africa / Gelish SA: http://www.sparklesa.co.za/
SkinMiles: https://www.skinmiles.com/
Juliette Armand SA: https://juliettearmand.co.za/
Chi Desk / Spa Guru: https://www.chidesk.com
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